Saturday, 5 November 2011

Eighth Blog

Sunset, most sunsets are spectacularly purple
Weather for th past few days has been fantastic, daytime high of 4, 5 and 6! I remember last year this time giant slabs of ice were floating in the river. It is supposed to get a bit cooler for the next week, and we might have just enjoyed our last plus temperature for the remainder of the year. Fishing has been pretty good, as everyone is catching lots of Northern Pikes. Yesterday after work I went for an hour of fishing with a couple of friends and ended up catching 15 relatively large Pikes in under an hour's time.



This morning I ventured out with a couple of my local friends, Sheldon and his baby brother Wallace. They guided me in trails and areas that I would never have dared to explore on my own. It was a glorious day and I had to shed gloves, hat and the sweater in the first hour of the hike. I was under the impression that we were going for a maximum of 2-3 hour-hike. But it turned into a 7-hour hunting adventure. Luckily for me Sheldon came well prepared and had more than enough food, water, snacks and even instant coffee/hot chocolate for all of us. I owe him big! We stopped by the river and built a little fire to heat up the food and have hot drink.                                                                           

Wallace and his trophies
Sheldon & Wallace

Wallace & I

We managed to shoot three rabbits and two grouse. By we I mean the 17-year-old Wallace. He spotted and shot them all. It is almost impossible to see rabbit let alone shooting them but it was amazing how he managed the impossible. There are lots of rabbits up here, but they are nocturnal and rarely move during the day. Most people snare them, since it is very difficult to spot them during the day.

Sheldon leading the way
My new nameless buddy!

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