My buddy Husky patiently waiting while I pick berries |
Well it has been a while since the last post. It was due to lack of internet and my laziness. To be fair to myself, we didn't have internet for one whole week and once we did get it back, it has been on and off most of the time. The only constant thing about the connection up here is its inconsistency!
As for life up here, it has been routine as usual. Work, fish, pick berries and run once in a while.
Red Sun, possibly due to a forest fire, over school |
Work has been pretty good and I am delighted to have students who are ahead of the schedule and are always wanting more advanced materials to work with. The downside of it is that there are only four students who are the front runners and unfortunately the other fifteen who show up regularly are a few grades behind. Nonetheless I am pretty happy with the classes I have this year, I feel much more useful than I did at any time during the first year. I will be heading out for a couple of days of Professional Development training next week, and am looking forward to that.
Town's main Cemetery about 3km outside the twon |
Town's Anglican church |
I have kept up the routine of getting out of town as soon as I am done school every day. Luckily I have been catching fish regularly and if the trend continues, I should be able to catch enough in the next few weeks before the freeze -up to last me most of the year. Days are getting much shorter and colder as well. These days I only have enough time to either fish or go for a run/walk. Although I have been combining fishing with walking, as I go to further destinations to fish. Today, Saturday, I decided to go for a long walk in the morning. I explored a few trails which I hadn't dared to venture alone before. It was rewarding and nerve-racking at the same time. Fortunately I didn't come across any thing threatening. Disappointingly during three hours of walk in the cold wind and rain I only saw three stray dogs, I know they weren't wolves because one of them barked, and one rabbit. The rabbit ran right in front of me crossing the trail. It was mostly white with some grey spots, as they are losing their grey colour for their white winter coat. They will be completely white in two or three week's time ready for the snow surely to cover everywhere.
My buddy Husky watching me fish |